Discount on all adventure and accommodation services 15%

ZIPLine Fortica

Discount on all adventure and accommodation services 15%

Popust na sve avanturističke usluge i usluge smještaja 15%

  • eco

The Mountain Cycling Association MTBA from Mostar was founded in May 2014 with the aim of promoting mountain biking, healthy living, sports in general and improving the tourist offer and promoting the natural beauty of BiH. The most important project of the association is the arrangement of the SPORTS AND ADVENTURE PARK "FORTICA", which was launched in 2016 with the aim of improving the tourist offer of Mostar in the field of adventure tourism and to contribute to the development of sports.

Brdsko-biciklističko udruženje MTBA iz Mostara osnovano je u maju 2014. godine sa ciljem promocije brdskog biciklizma, zdravog života, sporta općenito te unapređenja turističke ponude i promocije prirodnih ljepota BiH. Najznačajniji projekat udruženja jeste uređenje SPORTSKO-AVANTURISTIČKOG PARKA "FORTICA" koji je pokrenut 2016. godine s ciljem da unaprijedi turističku ponudu Mostara u oblasti avanturističkog turizma kao i da doprinese razvoju sporta.