20% discount on tickets (organized by the Mostar Puppet Theater)

Mostar Puppet Theater

20% discount on tickets (organized by the Mostar Puppet Theater)

Popust na ulaznice 20% (koje organizuje Pozorište lutaka Mostar)

The Mostar Puppet Theater was founded in 1952. Its seat, then as today, is the former Jewish synagogue in the Mostar settlement of Brankovac, which, in the early 1950s, the Jewish community of Mostar, ceded to the Puppet Theater, and only for that purpose. For all these years, the Puppet Theater has become a real temple of puppetry and the best representative of the cultural scene of this city, winner of numerous praises, awards and recognition at international and domestic festivals, and its performances have been seen by over two million spectators. He performed on the stages of Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Iran, Norway, Sweden, and, of course, in all countries that emerged from the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.

Pozorište lutaka Mostar osnovano je davne 1952. godine. Sjedište mu je, tada kao i danas, bivša jevrejska sinagoga u mostarskom naselju Brankovac, koju je, početkom pedesetih godina prošlog vijeka, Jevrejska opština Mostar, ustupila Pozorištu lutaka i to samo i isključivo za tu namjenu. Za sve ove godine Pozorište lutaka je postalo pravi hram lutkarstva i najbolji predstavnik kulturne scene ovog grada, dobitnik brojnih pohvala, nagrada i priznanja na međunarodnim i domaćim festivalima, a njegove predstave do sada je vidjelo preko dva miliona gledalaca. Svoje predstave igralo je na scenama Austrije, Francuske, Italije, Španije, Bugarske, Njemačke, Mađarske, Poljske, Irana, Norveške, Švedske, te, naravno, u svim državama nastalim raspadom bivše Jugoslavije.