5% discount on training at  Driving School "S.A."

Driving school "S.A."

5% discount on training at Driving School "S.A."

Скидка 10% на обучение в Автошколе "С.А."

Автошкола «С.А.» Союз Автошкол работает уже более 7 лет. За это время инструкторы и лекторы успешно обучили тысячи учеников, стали для них наставниками. И в самый ответственный для молодого водителя момент также находились рядом, по условиям договора ученик получает полное сопровождение на экзамене в ГИБДД: трансфер собственным автобусом автошколы, предоставление учебных автомобилей автошколы, поддержка представителя автошколы на месте.

Driving school "S.A." The Union Driving Schools has been operating for more than 7 years. During this time, instructors and lecturers successfully trained thousands of students and became mentors for them. And at the most crucial moment for the young driver, they were also nearby, according to the terms of the contract, the student receives full support at the exam in the traffic police: transferring a driving school with his own bus, providing driving school training cars, support from a driving school representative on the spot.