33% discount on tied tickets

Museums of Kotor

33% discount on tied tickets

33% popust na vezane ulaznice

  • bookstore

Find the complete offer on the Museums of Kotor website, and with the EYCA card you get a discount on the purchase of tickets in the amount of 33%. How can you use your discount? Before using the discount, it is necessary to show the EYCA Card with a photo and contact details.

Na sajtu Muzeji Kotor pronađite kompletnu ponudu, a a sa EYCA karticom ostvarite popust na kupovinu karata u iznosu od 33% Kako možeš iskoristiti popust? Prije korišćenja popusta, neophodno je na prodajnom mjestu pokazati EYCA karticu sa istaknutom fotografijom i upisanim podacima.