10% Discount for EYCA cardholders

Concept Home Real Estate

10% Discount for EYCA cardholders

10% zbritje për të gjithë anëtarët e Kartës Rinore Evropiane

Our company, thanks to the good knowledge of the current market as well as the perspective of the development of different areas, is one of the drafters of the study for determining the value map of the fiscal price of the property. Our staff throughout Albania, with its creative ideas, always provides profitable solutions for owners, buyers, tenants and investors, knowing well the priorities of development in government projects and international institutions that assist them in areas such as tourism, areas urban, industrial etc.

Kompania jone fale njohjes se mire te tregut aktual si dhe te prespektives se zhvillimit te zonave te ndryshme eshte nje nga hartuesit e studimit per percaktimin e hartes se vleres se cmimit fiskal te prones. Stafi yne me shtrije ne te tere Shqiperine me idete e tij krijuese jep ne cdo kohe zgjidhje fitimprurese per pronaret, bleresit, qiramarresit dhe investitoret duke njohur mire prioritetet e zhvillimit ne projektet e qeverise dhe institucioneve nderkombetare qe i asistojne ne fusha si, turizmi, zona urbane, industriale etj.